ÒThere are a conspicuous number of women fighting with the rebels, and some have been shot and some captured,Ó declared a man who arrived in London from Dublin yesterday morning to a representative of the Press Association. ÒI saw a number of women marching into Dublin on Sunday last. Some of them had naval revolvers strapped round them. They were wearing a dark green uniform similar to that of the male insurgents and slouch hats. They consist largely of young women, but there are a number of older ones among them, I believe. They had had training with the men, for they do not lack a certain discipline and organisation. There have been cases of military officers being shot from behind by women.Ó DRIVING OUT THE REBELS. Dealing with the methods employed by the soldiers in their efforts to dislodge the rebels from their positions, he said:- The rebels would allow the soldiers to approach, and while the soldiers were pausing before the attack they would snipe at them from the windows of the houses they occupied. The soldiers say that it is worse than France because they never know when to expect to be fired upon or where the enemy is. They have now adopted better tactics, however. They fire for a while at the houses and then a bombing party rushes up with hand grenades. The rebels are being gradually driven from house to house, and the direction from which firing comes is continually changing. The rebels, who know every inch of the city, get away from the soldiers and appear somewhere else. By means of knocking openings in the partition-walls of houses they have succeeded in some thoroughfares in establishing covered communications. They occupied a number of big houses which commanded important thoroughfares. They were burned out of one of these strongholds in Percy Place, and gas was employed by the military in dislodging them from part of the Post Office. The Sinn Feiners displayed a white flag in token of surrender, but on an officer approaching to ascertain their meaning he was shot dead. An R.A.M.C. man told me that there are few wounded rebels. Many have been shot outright. LOOTING. The population are making the most of the rebellion, and it is not the insurgents themselves who are guilty of most of the looting. On Thursday night I saw some women coming down Grafton Street carrying boxes of oranges taken from some shop, and passers-by were helping themselves. The bakersÕ carts, when they appear, are at once surrounded by people anxious to get bread.